Yes, it’s winter, and yes, we are still drinking morning smoothies. Smoothies are such a quick and convenient breakfast! They are the perfect to-go food, especially if you only get hungry later in the morning and need to bring breakfast to work. This smoothie is designed to support skin health - it’s delicious whether you are struggling with acne or just want glowing skin!
Acne & Gut Healing Protocols
Let’s talk about acne and anti-inflammatory foods. There are many anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich foods that are excellent for acne while supporting your gut microbiome. However, if you struggle with a gut imbalance that is causing your acne (such as SIBO, Leaky Gut or Candida), some healthy foods can perpetuate the problem and lead to more acne! The ingredients in this Healthy Skin Glow smoothie are in line with the foods that are allowed on most gut-healing protocols (e.g., low FODMAPs, SCD, GAPS, and others).
Smoothie Temperature
I want to point out that it may be beneficial to drink your winter smoothies at room temperature! I am no expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices, but it is very interesting to think about how these practices affect our health and well-being. In TCM, there is an idea called “digestive fire”. To support this fire, we should be eating regular meals, consuming mostly warm or room temperature foods, room temperature and warm beverages, as well as eating warming spices. If this idea resonates with you, you may want to avoid drinking super cold smoothies (at least in the cold weather!). I had a hard time getting used to a non-frozen smoothie. But, I realized that if it was sweet enough, I enjoyed it at room temperature! This smoothie recipe is one that I make often to support my skin health, and I find it very easy to drink, even at room temperature. Enjoy!