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Savory Miso Oatmeal (Vegan, GF)

Savory miso oatmeal with mushrooms and kale! This is a DELICIOUS way to eat your oatmeal - it's a pretty quick recipe (less than 30min total), so filling and full of healthy ingredients.

Try Savory Oatmeal

I have gone a bit overboard with sweet oatmeal in the past, and now have a hard time getting it down.... hello world of savory oatmeal. If you haven't tried it yet, you will be pleasantly surprised. It might seem like a long list of ingredients, but it's things I cook with all the time - great things to have in your fridge/pantry!

I love the rich umami flavor with the added miso - plus this add a health dose of probiotics to your breakfast!

Savory Miso Vegan Oatmeal with Mushrooms and Kale


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댓글 3개

Tess Mullaney
Tess Mullaney
2022년 1월 06일

This looks so tasty, can't wait to try it!

2022년 1월 23일
답글 상대:

Shoot just seeing this! I've tried it with zucchini instead of mushrooms and that has worked well! If you tried it with something else, I'd love to hear how it turned out :)

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